

A medical peel designed by the dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi. It offers the best skin rejuvenation with minimal downtime (3-5 days of mild flaking) and added anti-irritants and antioxidants that help stimulate epidermal turnover, accelerate exfoliation, and minimize fine lines/ aging signs, resulting in smoother, brighter, and youthful skin.

What does a ZO medical peel do?

This highly effective peel by ZO skin health that works on the mid-deep plane of the skin for revival and repair of the aesthetic skin concerns requiring total exfoliation and cell renewal, such as melasma and irregular pigmentation in the skin, photoaging, fine lines, minor scars, and sagging.

Who benefits from it?

 Elimination of melasma and brown pigmentation.

  • Improve the skin tone and texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and tighten skin laxity.
  • Skin homogenization.
  • Recovery of skin. luminosity and moisture
  • Provides instant glow to the skin.


ZO peel improves your skin look, texture, and feel. ZO medical facial tightens, brightens, and revives your skin appearance with minimal downtime at an immediate effect. Results can be experienced after the first session even though four to six treatment sessions are recommended for the best overall results (treatments can be performed every 7-10 days until desired results are achieved)

Down time

minimal to none

Appointment Length

30 minutes

Number Of

every 3 to 6 months

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