

 Achieve youthful, radiant and beautiful skin with Sylfirm X, a minimally-invasive, advanced microneedling treatment. It is the world’s FIRST and only FDA cleared dual wave RF microneedling device with both ultra-short pulsed wave mode (PW) and a continuous wave (CW) mode. As such, Sylfirm X® is safe and effective on all skin types for a broad range of skin concerns.

Who benefits from it?

The best candidates for Sylfirm X® are healthy nonsmokers with mild to moderate skin laxity, fine lines, stretch marks, acne scars and/or pigmentation concerns.

On the other hand, avoid Sylfirm X® if you

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Experiencing active acne, eczema, or psoriasis 
  • Have an unhealed wound in the treatment area
  • Have very sensitive skin
  • Are prone to keloids
  • Are taking Accutane


 After a Sylfirm X treatment, your skin may feel tight and inflamed depending on the area treated and the device settings. Although your skin may look pink like a mild sunburn, you should be able to go on with your daily routine. Expect more redness from a treatment for rosacea than a treatment for melasma. Similarly, expect a sticky sensation from treatment for acne scars. The neck will have more redness than the face for skin tightening.


Ethereal Skin Medical Spa

Face & neck

Ethereal Skin Medical Spa

Small body

Ethereal Skin Medical Spa

Medium body

Ethereal Skin Medical Spa

Large body

Down time

minimal to none

Appointment Length

1 Hours

Number Of

3-6 sessions recommended

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